由英國老師教授,確保您的小朋友學習正確英國英語發音。針對幼兒的學習能力ability、需要needs和興趣interests,採用合適的教學方法(different approach)。免費試堂/評估,設計針對性及個人化的課程內容,包括Phonics, Early reading, Creative writing等。
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

上學期放學似走難,又早放又cut左考試範圍乜都冇學過! 下學期連學都冇得番,上親zoom堂都有I.T. 問題! 係行山仲多過揸筆既情況下就要係一個月內考 Final Exam, 相信好多同學已經打定輸數! 有見及此,古sir 同佢既團隊會係六月份精心安排一系列既課程,為名校生係今次既 Final Exam 繼續大放異彩!
A教學進修 / 補習Actions Speak Louder than Words!

經驗會計,薄記每月$400起, 每年$1200起, 上門$1000起, 誠信可靠。新公司進行首次會計費用優惠,歡迎查詢。Reliable Book-keeping at reasonable fee from $400/month, $1200/year, on-site $1000. Welcome inquiry Tel: 91321945
G商業 / 會計及稅務Gold Treasury Accounting and Finance Centre

洗車, 汽車美容, 打蠟, 鍍膜, 貼膜, 換油, 汽車維修, 噴油, car detailing, coating, flash shield, water wax film system, coating protection, waxing, aircraft coating, color coating,

英語,數學,數學延伸,物理,化學,生物 / 歡迎各位學生或非學生參與 / English, Maths, M1/M2, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Students or non-students are both welcomed

ISO 20000 Lead Implementer Training enables you to develop the necessary expertise to perform a Service Management System (SMS) audit by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and tec

舒適堡Physical❤激平$$$/月🏃健身gym🔻全線可玩fitness🔷教練 瑜珈 跳舞 😍 一拖一 2019.7月新優惠 🔷✨WhatSapp我66790600💃 或直接按連結查詢: https://bit.ly/2zLuluK 全港21間分店 最大型健身中心😀 ✅送25張跳舞卷 ✅全線21間分店都玩得 ✅不限次數、時間 直接Whatspp 66790600 Lee🙆
運動及健身 / 健身Physical_HK

舒適堡Physical❤激平$1$$/月🏃健身gym🔻全線可玩fitness🔷教練 瑜珈 跳舞 😍 一拖一新優惠優惠 🔷✨whatapps我66790600💃 🌟 所有新客會籍 生效日期由3月1號開始 3月1號前免費享用 = 免費送多約1.5個月🌟 👯新客 一拖一 13個月 每人$4147 詳情按內 ✨whatapps我66790600💃

Introduction and event planning for Single HK residents

用心耐性教導任何年齡、級數、資質的學生。請招收初級至演奏級,1-8級樂理學生,伴奏。網址: www.irenelaupiano.com 電話: 94385332。價錢合理,歡迎查詢。
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Lau

親子家庭攝影,專業形象照,LinkedIn Photo,個人攝影,孕婦攝影,寵物攝影,畢業相, New Born,見工相, 歡迎查詢
攝影及影音 / 攝影Gary Studio

Hi, I am Vaghari,who is a French native speaker. I am a French teacher and I have a BA(hons) in French literature. I can speak fluent French, English and Spanish and have been teaching languages for 1

3D,設計師,SU,Vray,CAD,PS.讓你達到有一定水準的室內設計師的,Experienced Old Interior Designer

提供澳洲簽證,移民資詢及協助其申請簽證服務 I assist people who wish to apply for a visa to trap or to remain in Australia on a temporary basis, as well as people seeking to migrate to Australia permanently.
A商業 / 顧問Astra Virtus

化妝枱時租60蚊一小時, 最少三小時起, 700月租化妝枱 歡迎包場,練妝,教學, set頭,任君選擇 Freelance Makeup Artist 化妝師創業尖沙咀700, 800, 1000月租化妝枱, 練妝好去處,我們並設有私人儲物櫃讓化妝師不需要每次攜帶太多用具。地点位於尖沙咀,交通便利,只需數分鐘到達地鐵和西鐵,樓下巴士站和鄰近巴士總站。並設有私人儲物櫃,Wifi,背景纸,緍纱,
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